Intrinsic Solutions

Fax: 086 665 8480
Cell: 083 265 8480 078 157 8530
Postal Address:
111 Willow Ave
Atholl, 2196

Intrinsic Solutions
quality education and training to graduates in order to upgrade the skin care and medical aesthetic profession and ensure continual professional development.

We specialise in advanced education for skin care and other professionals who need training in the medical aesthetics field including basic advanced and remedial permanent make-up and train the trainer.

Our course cover the following:

Skin Lesions
Identifying the most common skin lesions and diseases, what is treatable, what needs referral and if treatable what modality to use. Includes practical identification and the use of skin identifying equipment.
Skin Analysis & Client Consultations
Advanced skin analysis beyond normal, combination, dry, oily; Analysing skin conditions to prescribe the best cosmetics or cosmoseuticals. Common medical conditions in skin care, symptoms and effects on the body and medications the client may be using. 
The most effective ingredient in skincare today what to look for and how to identify effective products. 
Combination Therapies
Understanding IPL, Laser, Infrared, Ultrasound, Radio Frequency, Cryo therapy, CIT, when and how these treatments should be used. 
How to do the most effective extraction on all acne lesions and the best form of treatment for acne.
  Exfoliation and Peeling
The best peeling agents available and which is best suited to which condition and how applications differ, including mechanical peeling. 

Giving Outstanding Service
Maximising your treatment time with your client, making sure you are meeting your client's expectations of the treatments and ensure you are recommending the correct complementary treatments for optimal results and to ensure rebooking and competing in the medical arena.

We also specialise in Permanent Make-up training for beginners, intermediate and advanced technicians please press this link or visit For treatments contact Tusc

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